
Aren’t you tired of this yet?

I could ask myself that every day. I probably do ask myself that every day. I keep going, though, to find out what comes next. I know I don’t know what the hell comes next… That’s what keeps me going. There might be something better just ahead. Strange optimism coming from me, but that’s how it is.

Strange to think about obligations to others if nothing in life really matters. Strange to think about nothing mattering — while you’re alive everything matters. Nothing may matter outside of life — when you’re dead — but within life it’s all of consequence. Purpose, meaning, mattering are all properties of life.

Wittgenstein said, though, that the meaning of the world must lie outside the world. He thought of that while sitting in a trench in WWI, so he’s probably right.

I’m too tired to tell you anything more today and I’m not going to waste your time with garbage.