
None of it makes sense, but none of it has to make sense. The world does not have to make sense to you, one of its creatures. You’re thrown in here with a smattering of hope, torn from the void and ignorant about everything, and if you’re lucky you’ll understand some of it before you’re cast back into that void. If there’s a Greater Purpose and a reason for all of this then you — even if you’re part of it — are not in the loop. No one had to CC you on that email because you’re just a part of the computer that’s calculating the meaning of itself. There’s nothing to tell you right now anyway; the Creator is just as in the dark as you are.

We’re all trying to sort this out, so you will just have to be patient. You will just have to find something purposeful to do in the meantime. The gliding fingers and singing voices of the great organic chorus will create beautiful music, which you can hear if you listen for it.

But beneath your skin you feel nothing. Under the Great Axe we will all go eventually. You may or may not be able to cope with the changes, but they will happen anyway. Rotation stops for no one, the relays keep relaying and the transistors keep transisiting. Computation continues. Components wear out and get replaced. The pattern changes — a new pattern that retains none of the previous pattern, but which would have been impossible without it. And eventually the next pattern, and the next one. Meaning lies in its forms and its changes, but that meaning is a mystery. Would you understand the meaning, even if it were explained to you? Probably not. It would seem like nothing.