
Spend the next five minutes writing. I don’t care what it’s about. Pull your head out of the phone and think about what you’re going to do this morning. I have to send an email, I have to write some stuff. Suddenly I find myself trapped by not being able to be specific about what I’m up to hereā€¦ I need to migrate some servers. Set up the new one and dedicate myself to moving sites one bit at a time until all the tools are there. Get it all together and get it set right. I only need one server, I only need it brought together once. I just need you to bring it to me, bring it to the right place so I can set it down and screech my way through it. None of this makes sense but it doesn’t matter, you’re engaging your brain to your fingers and no matter how filthy that sounds it’s the right thing to do.

Write things down. Make a plan. Stick to it.